by karendouglas | Jul 14, 2017 | Buying a Home, Home Protection, Selling a Home, Video Diary
Title and/or escrow are involved through every mortgage transaction, but do you know why?
by karendouglas | Jun 26, 2017 | Buying a Home, Selling a Home, Video Diary
Whether you are purchasing a home or refinancing there are certain timelines to expect. Find out what they are now!
by karendouglas | Jun 23, 2017 | Buying a Home, Selling a Home
When people hear the word downsizing they have a strong opinion against it and think of it as a negative process. People downsize for a variety of different reasons whether it be retiring, financial reasons, become environmentally friendly, or are empty nesters. The...
by karendouglas | Apr 17, 2017 | Buying a Home, Selling a Home, Video Diary
What are interest rates? How do they get affected by the market? Click play to find out!
by karendouglas | Mar 10, 2017 | Selling a Home
Competition for the best looking Blackhawk home is tough. Everyone is always trying to find the newest and most expensive statement piece to add to their Bay Area living room. Unfortunately not everyone can afford all the finest things for your home but that doesn’t...