How to Save for a Down Payment

How to Save for a Down Payment

Are you looking to buy a house, but struggling to come up with the money for a down payment? Read on to discover how to save for a down payment… While many people think you need to save 20 percent for your down payment, the truth is, you need to save much less....
Reasons Why a Mortgage is Denied

Reasons Why a Mortgage is Denied

Understanding the most common reasons a mortgage is denied can help you avoid them. Even if a buyer is pre-approved for a mortgage prior to house hunting, it’s not a guarantee the funds will be there when they find their dream home. Many real estate deals fall through...

Home Loan for Vets

Our veterans help guarantee all the freedoms and benefits we have in this country. In return, Congress initiated the home loan for vets, VA home loan, program around the time of World War II. Millions of veterans are eligible and can benefit from the following...
6 First Time Home Buying Mistakes

6 First Time Home Buying Mistakes

Are you planning to settle down? Or are you a working professional who wants to invest in a new property? Certainly, you’ll be excited about being a first-time buyer. Becoming the owner of a house is a very common goal. First-time home buyers can often...